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Cras ultricies ligula sed magna dictum porta. Curabitur arcu erat, accumsan id imperdiet et, porttitor at sem. Quisque v

10 Benefits Of English Language Learning For Everyday Life

English language learning provides numerous everyday life benefits such as aiding in communication during emergencies, assisting in problem-solving situations, promoting cultural understanding, and facilitating personal growth. Learning English allows individuals to...

How to Learn English Speaking Course Online for Free at Home?

To learn English speaking course online for free at home, surround yourself with English, make English friends, find study partners, use authentic materials, get online, set yourself realistic goals, listen to real English, and find fun ways to learn new words. There...

TOEFL vs IELTS – Which Test Feels Easier?

TOEFL vs IELTS – Which Test Feels Easier?

When comparing TOEFL and IELTS, the difficulty varies for individuals. Some find IELTS speaking more challenging due to the face-to-face format, while others may struggle with TOEFL's academic focus and timed tasks. Ultimately, the perceived difficulty depends on the...

IELTS Exam Registration Fees in Bangladesh 2024

IELTS Exam Registration Fees in Bangladesh 2024

The IELTS exam registration fee for 2024 in Bangladesh has been set at 22,500 BDT. This fee covers the cost of the exam and includes access to free preparation materials and practice tests. It's essential to understand the registration process and associated fees when...

The Best IELTS Mock Test in Dhaka 

A standardized test known as the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) is used to evaluate a person's English communication skills. More than 10,000 associations around the world, including scholastic foundations, managers, and movement authorities,...

Best Online IELTS Course in Bangladesh

Although it would sound unusual to assume I discussed the online IELTS course in Bangladesh, with the rise of the Coronavirus, most of us have been used to remove learning. While Covid has undoubtedly caused a great deal of harm, it has also brought about numerous...

Top 10 IELTS Coaching Center in Bangladesh

Top 10 IELTS Coaching Center in Bangladesh

Looking to excel in the IELTS exam? The best place to get IELTS help in Bangladesh is right here. This top teaching center’s only goal is to help people get the best grades possible by giving them thorough and useful lessons. The center has a team of qualified and...


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